30 November 2009

Mashed Potatoes Get A Second Life

By now you're probably sick of eating leftovers. You've gotten creative and made turkey noodle soup, turkey tetrazinne, turkey casserole. I'm over cranberries and pecan pie. And one person can only eat so many mashed potatoes in one setting!

This year Kathryn and I both decided to make mashed potatoes with bacon included. And once she returns from Thanksgiving in New York we'll all get to see and read about what other goodies she made.

I attended multiple Thanksgiving celebrations and schlepped the potatoes with me to each stop. But with so many other options and all the side dish competition, a heavy portion of those pork mashers came home with me. Cooked bacon gets chewy after a time and these potatoes are past their prime so it's time to get creative.

Potato Pancakes
--vegetable oil
--leftover mashed potatoes
--salt & pepper

I took my trusty cast iron skillet and added about a 1/2" of vegetable oil and heated it over medium heat.

If the potatoes are plain I'd add salt, pepper, fresh garlic, onion, cayenne or whatever you like to make 'em pop a little.

While the oil heats, fashion the mashed potatoes into cakes. Dredge the cakes in the flour so they are covered in flour (this gives the oil something to stick to and helps keep the potatoes from becoming a hot gooey mess).

Fry pancakes til golden brown, turning so both sides are nice and crisp. Drain on a paper towel and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Great for breakfast!
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